Hey Santosh Mali here, welcomes you to the “Newbies Money” Blog”! You here, means, you are interested in making MORE money from home or simply, looking for legitimate home business opportunity to QUIT your 9-5 job. If so, join us…
Why I’m Doing THIS..?
The first main reason is because of the image below…

This image is self explainatory. You need to be on the right hand side to get what you wish in your life easily. Off-course left hand side people will live the life as they want but under control of someone else. They will never achive the financial goals and they will always compramise thier life along with the whole family.
And I don’t want to be like this. Are you?
And the second reason?
According to the White House report, published on December 20, 2016, regarding “Artificial Intelligence, Automation and the Economy” stated that the artificial intelligence will transform our economy over the coming years and decades.
About What?

About the coming of robots.
They are going to be inserted into companies soon.
And they will steal your job you fought so hard to get from the competitors…
Do you think I exaggerate?
The report continues “Researchers estimates on the scale of threatened jobs over the next decade or two, range from 9% to 47%”.
Make no mistake. Robots will replace millions of workers.
Who will be the first victims?
People in lower wage jobs. It is because…If you are getting paid peanuts in your current job, you’re easily replaceable.
And when push comes to shove, do you think your obnoxious boss will prefer you over a machine that works 24/7, doesn’t ask for vacations or a pay raise?
Do YOU Want to Face THIS Situation with You?
97% people who start business online, failed to make money because they don’t have a proven system that works for them.
Almost everyone who is making money online has gone through months (or even years) of trials and errors…
They’ve also spent thousands of dollars to test out the correct ways to make money online.
But ask yourself – do you REALLY want to go through of all these pain, expenses and frustrations?
That’s why, I have got this website! I hope you will be benefited from the info published on this website. It has helped many ordinary people, including newbies to make real money…
About Me:

The main negative things that happened to me after beginning of my affiliate journey was the “Shiny Object syndrome” (SOS) and Fucking (excuse me for my word here) from program to program wishing the new one will work for me. (I’m not blaming to anyone, I was just overwhelmed with SOS).
This happens always to everybody because… you DON’T have the correst mindset, you are focusing on TOO many goals at once.
I was NOT getting the help and support that I actually needed from gurus after purchasing their “magic formula” or products.
Branding was a big issue to make sales, no one was joining under me or buying my products.
One more thing you must have in handy is your MENTOR. If you don’t have one, ask your sponsor to help through program that you joined under him/her. Don’t hesitate to ask for help.
These were all my problems before going through my Blogging Training. Now I’m seeing all the difference by USING this myself.Â
If you want to make consistent income from home, you must learn the 5 Critical Skills that top earners in the industry uses and master themselve.
If you are a newbie just starting out, I invite you to become partner in my business and I will help and guide you 1-to-1.
Hope this will turn your life…
See you on the other side!
-Santosh Mali

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Email: santosh@newbiesmoney.com