STOP: Want To Profit in 2020? You Definitely NEED This...

NEW List-Building Technology = 1 Click Leads +
1,050% More Traffic Than Email & It Made Me =
$321/Day Commissions... From 1,376 Subscribers!

Get PushPRO Instant Access - $247 for Unlimited Subscribers Package!

Buy With Clickbank - Unlimited Package!

Get Pushpro LITE Access - $27 for limited Package!

Buy With JVZoo - Limited Package!

Or Get Warrior+  $27 for limited Package!

Buy With Warrior+ - Limited Package!

Price Increasing In

PROOF: 1,005% The Clicks Of Email, 305% The Open Rates, 10x Faster To Send & It's so NEW, You Don't Even Know It Exists...

Send 1.030% more clicks than email per subscriber

Blast a message in less than 1 minute + deliver in 1 second

Subscribers worth 10.5x the commissions & profits of email

So cutting - edge, less than 1% of marketers even know about it...

Do You want to Build a List of hungry buyers... with a NEW "Lead Tech" - that's 10x MORE powerful than email?

I'm talking about a list-building technology, that...

  • Makes up to $1.43 Per subscriber... per blast!
  • Gets open-rates up to 300% higher than email
  • Sends clicks up to 1,000% higher than email
  • Pushes messages, 10x faster than email
  • Doesn't need $500/year autoresponders
  • And ..YES.. YOU CANNOT be banned by anyone... ever!

Monthly Profits vs Subscribers

WHICH IS BEST: 1,000 Push vs. 1,000 Email Subscribers?

ANSWER: Only ONE Can Blast Out Job-Killing Income!

Why The Rich Get Richer in 2020...

While 97% Of Marketers & Affiliates Keep Struggling

In late 2019, the richest marketers discovered a SECRET :

As you read this, they are moving away from email... INSTEAD they are building a NEW type of list...

These CUTTING EDGE LISTS have many benefits:

  • Driving MORE free traffic at will
  • Building MORE valuable subscriber lists
  • Making HIGHER profits - per affiliate program
  • Earning SIMPLER affiliate commissions
  • Seeing FASTER results than ever before
  • Gaining AN EDGE over 99% of other marketers


NEW List - Building Technology Lets You Collect Unlimited Leads, & Send Fast Instant Messages To 3 Billion Internet Users... In 53 Seconds - So Answer Me THIS..

Do you want to make money online?

If so...

You've heard the saying: "The MONEY is in the LIST"

And, after $20 million in sales, I can tell you: "It's MORE true in 2020 than it's EVER BEEN"

That's why, in 2020, the ENTIRE GLOBAL ECONOMY revolves around the "list"...

All the ClickBank & JVZoo sellers build buyer lists

Many of the top super affiliates send their best traffic via email

The biggest eCom sites build multiple lists - email, retargeting, etc

Even celebrities are "ranked" by their lists - fans, subscribers & followers

Trillion-dollar companies will do anything to add users to their "ecosystem"

In fact, you're probably well aware that... in 2020...

EVERYONE is building huge audiences & lists!

It's how you make money... it's how you make commissions...

It's how you drive traffic on tap... it's how you get invited to parties in Vegas...

It's how tech companies hit "trillion dollar" valuations... and get billions of investment...

It's how the social reach of you... me... politicians... and A-List Celebrities are "ranked" in the modern era!

But, while huge companies hit billions of users...

And top marketers build millions of subscribers lists...

These "1 percenters" are making a killing, while many average Internet marketers struggle.

Part of the reason is simple - most people have never even tried to build their own list...

And there's a very good reason for this...

To most people, the idea of building a list is terrifying!

Here's why...

Imagine you said: "Chris, I want to quit my job and make money from the Internet"

And I replied "Well, there's one method for you! Build a list - you can profit every time you send an email!"

You'd probably think "easy for you to say!" and start to run through all the objections in your head.

Something like this..

"Yeah.. but what kind of list would I build? In what niche? And, even if I picked a niche and created a squeeze page, where would I get traffic?

And anyway, wouldn't they charge me, like, $300 a month for an autoresponder? And even assuming I built a squeeze page, and found an autoresponder, how would I know it would convert visitors to subscribers? Wouldn't I need to create some kind of "lead maget"? And then spend thousands split-testing it with paid ads?

And then.. assuming I did all of that, and my page was setup and proven and ready to get leads, how could I be sure I wouldn't get banned? Or at least, I might build a list 1,000 people... hit send... and only 5 people click my links!"

Sounds familiar?

So I get it...

If you're reading this, you probably LOVE the IDEA of HAVING your own list. You probably LOVE the idea of HAVING the INCOME that list-owners have (just one blast regularly makes me "job-killing income" of $500-$3,000).

And you probably don't need convincing that "the money is in the LIST" - specifically a LIST who actually opens and CLICKS your buy links...

None of this is "the question"

I don't need to convince you that having your own is THE best way for you to quit your job and make a full-time, five/six/seven figure income from the Internet.

The question is: how exactly can YOU do it...

Even if you're a newbie with no list, no traffic, no product and no capital...

Does this sound like you? If so, don't feel too bad - you're far from alone...

Check out the survey I did to my Bots customer list. It's instructive to say the least...

I asked people making less than $500 per month AND those making $5,000 per month the SAME question:

Have you ever built a list before?

The DIFFERENT answers they gave is a VITAL clue to anyone who's serious about making profits in 2020...

Firstly, let's look at the people who haven't built a list before...

Maybe you're in this group right now?..

As you can see, only 6% have made over $5,000 online

CONCLUSION: 94% of wealth-seekers are stuck in a rut, trying to make money online, but never succeeding. If you made less than $5,000 online in 2019, don't feel bad - you're just part of "the 94%" like most people...

But here's where things get CRAZY - when I looked at people who HAD built their own list, the difference in earnings was incredible.

Over 50% of them had made over $5,000 online - check out the screenshot below:

So which would you rather have - a 6% chance of making more than $5,000... or a 50% chance?

In other words, building your own list - ANY kind of list - makes you 800% more likely to generate $5,000 online!....

So why isn't everyone creating squeeze pages, building huge buyer lists... and generating six-figures in weeks?

Well, I discovered the answer to that a few questions further on...

When I asked these same few hundred Bots customers why they hadn't built a list before... to try to dig deeper as to why so few people were hitting four-five figures per month... here's what they said...

Tell me if this sounds familiar...

As you can see, over 95% of my customers LOVE the idea of building their own list...

But they don't know how to do it... how to get traffic... how to create a lead magnet... how to monetize, etc.

Or they don't have the capital to set everything up...

It's like there's an invisible wall between you and the freedom that comes from having your own list...

Well, all that changes today.

So here's what all of this means for you (if you aren't one of the elites already dominating 2020 with your own buyer list)...

Here's what separates people making $5,000 per month with their own lists from everyone else. They...

  • Know there is ONE niche in 2020, that they should launch their first list-building business in
  • Know there is ONE targeted, secret & almost unlimited traffic source that only the "big guys" know of
  • Know there is ONE method to create affiliate promotions in 1 minute (without writing ONE word of content)
  • Know that NEW TECHNOLOGY can now automate many of the "techie parts" of list-building in 2020
  • They are able to "put everything together" and manage the list-building system like a proper business
  • But most important of all, they KNOW that email is NOT the only list-building game in town.
  • In fact...In 2020, Email is not even the 2nd best type of list to build. And, with what I'm about to show you...
  • You could do almost EVERYTHING with automation - while making MORE profits per subscriber..
  • Now here's how I stumbled onto this new technology ... just a few months ago...

So How Can You FINALLY Build A List In August 2020?

With A NEW "RICH MEDIA" List Technology! KEEP READING...

I'm Chris. And, from 2016 to 2019. I was KILLING it! But, 91% of my $30k/month income was from email... Then... something WEIRD happened...

In 2019, I found a BRAND NEW list-building technology...

Something that made me TEAR UP everything I knew...

Something that STOPPED ME dead in my tracks. And...

It was something that one of my friends just... whispered to me...

He was one of the top Internet Marketers, doing $3k/day at the time..

And when we met for lunch it was the first thing he told me...

"CHRIS! You NEED to do THIS - it's ALREADY sending MORE clicks than my ENTIRE email list!"

And this was an ELITE digital marketer.. who had been building his HUGE EMAIL LIST... for over 3 years!

But now, in less than 100 days, this FRESH, NEW lead technology was already...

Sending HALF his clicks & 40% of his profits... and after only 3 months!

So... what was this weird new technology he was talking about?...

Well, my ELITE friend had randomly stumbled onto the secret underworld of...

"PUSH NOTIFICATIONS" - which let people subscribe to your list DIRECTLY, with NO autoresponder.

And once they signup, YOU can send them a message (broadcast or followup), in less than 60 seconds...

DIRECTLY & INSTANTLY, into their browser, with huge images & clickable buttons...

And do it over-and-over, 24/7, with no deliverability issues!

Now, this is different to notifications on your phone (which has been popular for over a decade)

I'm talking about BROWSER notifications, especially to DESKTOP devices (where all the buyers are!)

These just plain work, get massive deliverability, huge clicks, and allow you to send fast buyer traffic...

Plus, since very few people are doing it, you don't need to worry about people getting 'inbox blindless'.

And best of all, it's SO easy to do...

You simply add one line of code to your website...

Then when people click "Yes" to signup...

They're instantly added to your list!

Then you just use my method to "copy and paste" any website you want to promote - and send a super-targeted, highly-clickable, rich-media promo!

I'll explain exactly how I've AUTOMATED this opportunity, in a second...

But... first LOOK at what makes this FRESH & NEW technology so powerful...

And SO VERY NECESSARY for average people who want to LIST-BUILD in 2020...

Look Familiar? In August 2020, Everyone Wants To Build A List....
But How Can The "Little Guy" Compete With 100k Email Lists?...
ESPECIALLY: When The Best Buyers' Inbox Looks Like THIS¬

Have You Tried Building A List & Failed miserably?

...Don't Worry. 94% Of My Customers Have Too... Now, Here’s Why Push Notifications Could Change Your Life In 2020
  • Instant subscription- one click and they’re on your list - no name or email required...
  • No autoresponders- no monthly expenses, getting banned or worrying about deliverability...
  • Higher open rates- because you aren’t competing with 1,000 other marketers...
  • Higher click rates- because you send directly into people’s browser...
  • Less time spent- no need to write “clever” email subjects or long "copy". Send in 1 minute!
  • Huge headstart for 2020 - no-one else is doing this in 2020 (and not with my NEW "2021-technology")...
Push Notifications Work Because They Deliver Huge, Visual Images & CTA Buttons - Right into the Visitor’s Browser window - And They Do It Instantly & Directly, with images, text & CTA button...

It’s an orgy of clickability! Images....copy...native buttons for Windows & Mac (it looks like these are messages sent by the OS itself!)...

<==LOOK! They are BIG, visual & VERY clickable, and...
Best of all, you can easily just “cut out” images from whatever website you’re promoting (keep reading...)
So you’re getting huge clicks AND targeted clicks!
Now push messages are "rich media" & catch the eye - with a headline, subheadline, big image, small image...
Plus a “call to action” button, which again drives targeted traffic (“get traffic now”, “profit as an affiliate” , etc)....
But here’s the main takeaway when it comes to push.... These notifications REALLY stand out... so, they...

Lterally POP out of nowhere & take up about 20%-40% of the screen, with a HUGE RICH MEDIA PREVIEW of the sales letter, affiliate program or website you're promoting!

....which is why we’re getting the huge results you see on this page with push (keep reading for the proof)!

The only question is: when are YOU going to join the future, with this new, cutting-edge "rich media list building" technology?

Now, when no-one knows about it... or in 18 months when everyone is jumping on it?

Isn't it time YOU got in "on the ground-floor" on a new, ground-shaking technology - for once?

.....And YES! You Can Collect Push Subscribers in 1 Click From ALL Major Browsers....






However, Right Now (And For The Forseeable Future) Push Technology Is Way Beyond The Reach Of Most Marketers

In fact, less than 1% of even the top JVZoo, W+ & ClickBank marketers use it. That's because... until now... you needed to be a top marketer with techie skills & thousands to spend. Until today, you had to...

SPEND thousands on designers, lead magnets & coding just to create a single landing page - before you even start to collect your push subscribers.....PLUS....

INVEST MONTHS OF YOUR LIFE to test traffic sources, send 100s of notifications to see what gets clicks & split-test landing pages - just to start to understand this new technology...

PAY OUTRAGEOUS MONTHLY subscription fees - for software that limits features & your usage, doesn't give you training, landing pages, templates or lead magnets (and frankly these "corporate" tools aren't suited for marketers like us anyway)...

Just look at the bank-shredding rates charged by many other Push Platforms...
  • PushCrew costs $99 PER MONTH for limited features... custom plans only available when you REQUEST A CALLBACK (PushCrew recently rebranded as "VWO Engage" and removed all <$99/month plans)
  • AimTell charges $1164 annually for a premium plan (which does not include many features below)
  • OneSignal costs $6000 yearly for the top plan (to unlock features like unlimited segments which are inside PushPro)
Here's why these platforms can charge $6k/year: this tech just plain works!...

"...Website push notifications is an important channel for E-commerce since it gives websites the power of instant communication... on all devices, be it desktop mobile or tablet."

So: you KNOW you need to build a list. And you KNOW push is the way to do it. But...

Let's say you DON'T want to be paying $6,000 per year for push services that are limited in features?

And, even if you signed up to one of these services, it STILL wouldn't show you...

How to actually get traffic, build a push landing page, send push messages that get clicks...

And it still wouldn't give you the full picture to profit with push - the landing pages, template messages & training you need, ie..

You still would be miles away from actually building a list of push subscribers that can make money for average people!

If it wasn't for this page, you'd have to ask yourself a question...

The same question you asked in 2018... 2017...

And every year before...

Should You Give Up On List Building For Another Year? HECK NO! Look At The FAST Results That The 1% Like Me Are Currently Enjoying With TINY Push Lists - RIGHT NOW! Small, PROFITABLE Lists Like These Are DOABLE For Average People... IF Someone Shows You HOW (Now Keep Reading!)...

10 clicks from 75 push subscribers
46 clicks from 193 push subscribers
67 clicks from 392 push subscribers
119 clicks from 718 push subscribers

Want to See Want This New Technology Could Do For You? Then Give It A Test-Drive RIGHT NOW!

Calculate How Many Push Leads You Need to Quit Your Day Job

You need an annual of $35,000 to quit your job and become a full-time marketer. Your stats:

You have decided to build subscribers worth $7 per month.

That means you need to generate less than 14 subscribers per day to quit your job.

Now keep reading... to see how my cloud-based "push-autoresponder" is a GAME-CHANGER for average marketers, and how I'm hitting average $ per subscriber numbers WELL beyond anything I've seen with my email buyer lists... in over 10 years!...

Now Here’s Why You NEED To Build A Push List -Today
....To Promote Your Websites, Affiliate Offers, Clients' Websites, CPA, eCom & ANY Product
SIMPLY More Valuable Leads

With better clicks & targeting, plus sky-high visuals: push leads are simply worth more than email

TURNKEY Messages (No writing)

Copy 50+ turnkey messages to your broadcast & followup mesages. Plus premade websites!

Explode Your Current $$$

Turn any visitor, email lead or customer into a repeat buyer - by getting them on your push list..

Collect, Followup, Broadcast

Only PushPro includes all the features of a marketer-friendly autoresponder...but with push!

Double up your leads with push

Get your leads on email AND push, so you can hit them two ways. 2x your distribution!

Advanced Features

Split-test your followups & broadcasts, use tracking ideas, view daily stats & much more...

100 Second Demo : How Im Making up to $1,015/Week Affiliate Commissions, With Push Notifications & My TEMPLATES..


Collect Subscribers From ANY Website & Send Instant Messages Into Their 100 Seconds!

First we copy our embed code & paste it to our website...

Now whenever someone visits our website, they will see the popup message.

Anyone who clicks 'yes', will get subscribed to our list That's it!

PLUS, I'm Including 5x Pre-Created Website Landing Pages Templates, Built Specifically For Push & Giving Away My Softwares & Training (Preloaded Into The Followup Sequence, Discussed Next) - Giving You 5x Pre-Created Websites, Preloaded With Your Optin Code & 100% DoneForYou Followup Sequence... !

Clone My 50x Preloaded Followup Templates - Just Add Your Affiliate Link! - to Automatically Create Subscriber Loyalty & Set You Up For Push Profits

Now your leads are subscribed, so it's time to send them into your sequence...

Your "followup" or "welcome" sequence lets you build a relationship AND monetize passively!

With PushPro you can queue up followup messages between 0 to 14 days...

Your messages are sent exactly 24 hours from when the customer subscribed, so they work with any timezone

And, in case you wanted to get started right away... you can also use my pre-created templates!

See... I've been profiting with push notifications for over six months now... and before that, I was marketing with email.

And don't forget that I've written copy for products that have grossed millions of dollars...

So I know EXACTLY how to drive engagement with ANY list...

That's what makes my "Done For You" push templates so powerful!

Simply browse my database of over 50x templates...

Including affiliate promo templates for all the top Internet marketing niches...

Like video, affiliate, traffic, eCommerce, SEO & more...

Heck, I've even included promos for top-selling EVERGREEN offers for JVZoo, Warrior and ClickBank...

AND, giveaway templates (giving away my free software & content) to drive value (KEEP READING!)...

All you need to click once to load the template, then...

Edit the affiliate link (and maybe tweak a few things if you want), then queue your message!

It's easy to find the template you want: filter by niche, view the CTR I got, and much more...

  • 50x Pre - Created Templates...- just click once to broadcast or add as followup...
  • 25x Affiliate Promos... enter your affiliate link, or spin these proven templates to any offer
  • 25x Lead Magnets... add as followups to encourage signups
  • $20k of resell value - giveaway my software with your offers!
  • Browse by CTR - all these notifications are PROVEN & battle - tested...
  • Filter by Niche - choose the promo that fits with your niche & customer...

Copy My 50 TEMPLATES to Build The Perfect Followup & You Could Get Subscribers & Commissions Like Me...

Send Unlimited Broadcast Messages To All Your Subscribers In Seconds - From The Cloud (or Unleash 25x DoneForYou Reseller Templates - KEEP READING!)

Once you're collecting leads and sending autoresponder messages on auto-pilot...

Its time to send broadcast push notifications.

Broadcast your push notifications at any time, to any lists...

Then load the analytics software, to view open and click rates...

And YES you can split-test messages, to see what's working, and improve next time!

And remember, you can also use my done for you template pack to send broadcast messages too!

Just look at the RICH MEDIA you can include in any push notification (whether broadcast or followup)...

  • Huge Image... at 512x256, these take up almost all the screen!
  • Big Headline... up to 96 characters to grab attention
  • Description... up to 255 characters to describe benefits
  • Small Icon - a second 192x192 image makes push messages even more impactful
  • Chrome CTA Button - "click here" button adds an extra 30% to Clicks from our testing!
  • Send time - we'll tell you the 5x best times to send your messages
.....And YES! You Can Collect Subscribers in 1 Click From....






Now... DRUM ROLL... Let's Talk About The Resell Rights, & 40k-Word+ Content That Took Me 5 Years & $40k to DO FOR YOU, But Is Today "Pre-Loaded" As "Send-Now-Templates"...

Blast 25x DoneForYou Template Messages, Paying 75% Commissions To Your Affiliate Link & Supported By My UK Team....
All You Do Is GIVE AWAY Free Content, Promoting 10 Of My Top-Selling Digital Software Products & Get Paid with...

Here's the deal: We have 10 products that have collectively sold well over 100,000 units. If "#1s" were notches on a belt, I'd be the elite hunter. And, my products are EVERGREEN. They continue to sell 500-3,000 units every month.

Now, I pay my top JVs (who can send $x,xxx & up per promotion) 50% on most of my products. But...

We're offering YOU an exclusive UNPRECEDENTED payout of 75% commissions on all 10 top products -- with full access to all 40+ software tools included, to review for-life!

So you can give access to your visitors/subscribers - almost as if you built them yourself, earning 75% of the profits, but doing NONE of the software development & NONE of the customer support!

I invested over $40,000 developing the software, and another $40k creating the marketing materials (like videos, design, sales copy, hosting etc)... and we've already paid out over $400,000 to affiliates promoting the same tools you'll be promoting. You get the benefit of this $40,000 investment for a tiny fraction of that - plugged right into your PushPro templates - when you keep reading to the end of this page.

  • YES! These 9 tool-suites sold over 100,000 units in the last few years
  • YES! You get personal access - so you can use ALL the tools yourself
  • YES! You will earn 75% on all these products
  • YES! This is as close as you can get to to running an elite info product businesses.. without having to create a product, write a sales letter, hire a video editor, etc...
  • YES! You will simply copy my templates, paste in your special affiliate link (paying 75% commissions, not 50%), queue up the template message... and get on with the rest of your day
Here's How You'll Get Started With These 10 Sites:

When you join, you'll be given an instant login to the PushPro software - with my 50x pre-loaded templates, which are a mix of content and affiliate promos.

You can simply load a template, edit your affiliate link, and hit send, to queue that message - as either followups and broadcast messages.

Here's the clever bit: all the affiliate promos use "secret" affiliate links - which pay out a higher commission rate of 75%. These are hidden from the public but automatically preloaded inside the template messages.

And here's the really clever bit: even the content & free giveaways actually promote my products too - so you can even earn by giving stuff away!

For example, give away a link to a free article of mine about "how to sell your own product" - and earn commissions on all the banners on there, promoting my "Day Job Killer" product. Or give away one of the "Affiliate Bots" software tools for free, to encourage people to buy the other products.

There are dozens of templates like this... to you it will just be a "quick template" to edit... but behind the scenes, there's massive work that's gone into getting the messages all ready.

You'll Get 50 Templates To Impress Your Subscribers

...With 25x Affiliate Promos & 25x Giving Away FREE Software & Content

Once someone clicks on ONE affiliate link, they are cookied for ALL our products! And YES we will give you multiple ways to promote your page!

  • Promote with solo ads (I will tell you the top providers).
  • Share to social media - with pre-made banners.
  • Promote on your websites - with pre-made banners
  • Promote on Bing PPC - we'll give you the keywords
  • Promote on YouTube - we'll give you a promo video
  • All it takes is someone to click once and subscribe, then click on just one link and...
You can earn revenue again and again from the same members as they buy products, take upsells, open more of your push notifications & speed through your followup sequence.

But what if you don't have enough traffic to send to your push landing pages?

Well remember, you're getting access to all of my products...which are basically software tools to get traffic!

That means: you can of course use these tools to promote your own push landing pages! For example...

  • Get free YouTube traffic - with my Video Bots software
  • Get free Google traffic - with my Traffic Bots software to
  • Get traffic from 18x places - with my Affiliate Bots software to
  • Create new lead magnets - with my DayJobKiller suite
  • OK, you get the idea...

And to get you started on day 1....

You get a full Marketing & Promotion Kit including:
  • 5x Professionally Designed Advertising Banners (for social media & websites)
  • 3 Tested and Tweaked Promotional Email Swipes (just paste into your autoresponder)
  • 2 Content rich blog posts to add to your blog or social channels
  • Regular tips, ideas and promotion strategies in a monthly 'Push Members Only' private newsletter

Who Can Benefit From Push? The Short Answer:
"ANY Type of Marketer or Affiliate!"

Building a list is where the money is at... and my, oh my... "Push" Changes The Game...

PushPro is the ONLY list-building tool built specifically for marketers like YOU...

site owner
Media Buyer
List Builder
Solo Ads

SPEED DEMO: Watch Me Launch A Stunning List - Building Website, Fully Hosted, Collecting Push Subscribers & With Followups... In 100 Seconds!

...Plus, POWER & SCALE: PushPro Includes Elite Features,
Previously Enjoyed By ONLY The List-Building 1%!

  • Send unlimited notifications to your customers browser with ZERO monthly fees
  • Segment into lists, queue followup messages, send unlimited broadcasts
  • No complicated setup...use our doneforyou website landing pages - no hosting or domain needed
  • Collect push subscribers from any website with customizable optin popups
  • Track your clicks with our click analytics tools - plus split-test broadcasts and followups
  • 50x push message templates - simply choose one, edit your affiliate link & send

...So You LEVEL UP FOR 2020: And Finally Build Your List, Using The Secret Weapon Of The #10 Affiliate on Warrior+!

And YES, Your Gettting In On the Ground Floor Which
Means No Monthly Fees - EVER For...


you will never be "limited" and you can scale up your business with unlimited leads & subscribers.


you can send unlimited broadcast & followup messages to each new subscriber who joins.


you can embed your optin code on as many domains as you want (including your clients' sites).


I will continue to add new features as PushPro grows. After all, this is a tool I'm using myself...

EVERYTHING You Need To Profit & Build Your First 1,000 Subscriber List Is Already Built & Pre-Loaded Inside This Cutting-Edge, Cloud-Based Software Tool

Price Increasing In

20+ Videos On How To Profit With Push Notifications

..Here's a sneak peek of some of the topics we'll discuss

How to Write Push Messages

Dive deep into my templates and learn my "send in 1 minute" trick

Push Hall Of Fame

I'll run through my top 20 all-time push affiliate promotions!

Affiliate Marketing with Push

Inside my "3 step" method (that averaged me $200-300+ commissions per blast).

Best Times To Send Push

I crunched the times & days to send... based on 100 messages!

Best Traffic For Push

Discover the traffic source that took doubled my leads with push

Push vs Email: Overview

Learn why push is a better list-building method for most!

Using Followup Sequences

Learn how I use the followup sequence to drive traffic, get profits & build engagement.

Using Broadcast Messages

Learn why some of my marketing buddies refer to me as the master blaster!

Many more advanced tips

With over 20 videos, I cover everything from the basics to super advanced tricks!

Bonus 1

Resell Package (valued at $497)

For a limited time, we are allowing unlimited resell rights - so you can "rent out" the push technology to your customers, letting them launch push campaigns, for whatever price you want!

Bonus 2

Agency Rights (valued at $597)

For a limited time, we are allowing unlimited agency rights - so you can "rent out" the push technology to your local & agency client's, letting them launch push campaigns, for whatever price you want!

Bonus 3

Content & Giveaway Package (valued at $397)

We are also going to include a full-set of lead magnets (preloaded into the "DoneForYou" templates), including both software & articles... so you can give these away to build your list.

Bonus 4

Video Training (valued at $397)

Even though my PushPro software preloads everything into one cloud-based technology, I'm almost going to dig-deeper with you, and explain how it all works - with over 20 video training...

We Dropped $10,160 Building This Software Suite, But You can Just Walk Right Through the BACK-DOOR & Get Instant Access to EVERYTHING For 2.4% of that - - IF You Act SMART and ACT NOW...

Click the button below. Do it now. You'll get PushPro 2.0 at the discounted price of:

>> NOT the $10k I spent building this tool these last few months...

>> NOT the $217 I'm averaging with every push message I send..

>> NOT the $500-$3000 it would be cost for the most popular push services...

==>>>> You get ALL these features inside PushPro for ONLY $247! ONE TIME FEE! <<<<==

But that's not all. There's still even more value - scroll on! - if YOU join today and become a BOTS member

When you buy PushPro V2.01 right now, you'll also get the high value, time-limited bonuses below...

Professional Push Notification Autoresponder - Valued at $4,670

Collect Unlimited Leads & Subscribers - Valued at $997

Send Unlimited Broadcast Messages - Valued at $997

Send Unlimited Followup Messages - Valued at $97

Create Unlimited Lists to Segment Subscribers - Valued at $47

Split-Test Any Push Followup or Broadcast - Valued at $67

Blast My 50x Best Performing Push Notification Database - Valued at $67

Download our 5x Best-Performing Landing Pages (Your Code Pre-Loaded) - Valued at $997

Send from your own https domain or send from ours (choose 5) - Valued at $67

Add tracking IDs to any optin to see where your subs are coming from - Valued at $97

$1,000 lead magnets & giveaway rights (for 5 software, training & more) - Valued at $37

My top 10 solo providers NOW - with push-friendly traffic at <$0.50 per click - Valued at $67

Subscriber feed shows which OS and browsers are signing up - Valued at $37

Dashboard - view all your recent stats & activity on 1 page - Valued at $497

Quickstart PDF guide - to get you started right away - Valued at $297

20+ Training videos - to turn you into an Instant Push Jedi - Valued at $97

Agency & Resell rights - manage push for your clients - Valued at $47

Fully Mac/PC/Tablet/Smartphone Compatible - PushPro is CLOUD-BASED!

Push + Automation = Huge Leads & Commissions - Valued at $PRICELESS

Months of updates planned - Valued at $997

Get Instant Access - $247 for Unlimited Package!

Get PushPRO v2.01 Now

Get Pushpro LITE Access - $27 for limited Package!

Buy With JVZoo - Limited Package!

Or Get Warrior+  $27 for limited Package!

Buy With Warrior+ - Limited Package!

Compatible with PC & Mac

On The Other Side Of The Buy Button Your New Future Awaits You, Filled With, More Clicks, Massive Automation & Monstrous Deliverability For Your New Leads

It’s the fastest way to collect buyer leads. using the power of push notifications!

So you can build a list.. and send follovvup and broadcast messages..

With an even higher tleliverability and click through rate than email!

Can you see how NEW and different this is?

Building a list has never been this exciting!

So there you have it.

PushPro is a fresh new way to build a list, with push notifications, in 2020...

So, you're finally playing the 'list building" game with the deck stacked firmly in your favor...

And split-testing every massage you send!

So ..are you ready to take your list building game to the next level?

OK great

The first step is to click on the order button

I’ll setup your PushPro account Instantly!

OK, so you know what to do

Click the button to GET AN INSTANT ACCOUNT SETUP WITHIN SECONDS- and as a special BOTS member you will get

Instant access to EVERYTHING HERE you've spent the last few minutes reviewing.

As soon as you click ''get started" you'll get redirected to the CB order page.

Fill out your information on that page and join - and you INSTANTLY get a Welcome Email with Your Login.

You'll then get access ALL of these features inside your new PushPro Account INSTANTLY.

And YES...

It's sooo easy to use, but all the features come with PDFs videos, and everything is explained so you can get up and running, FAST.

I’ve built this to be newbie-friendly so you don't need any 'prior skills" or experience. Whether you're 'scaling up' to 9-figures, or still working out what a 'customer list' is. you'll be PRIMED for action On DAY 1.

OK, CLICK THE BUTTON. I em done talking. But one more thing...

Now, to prove to me that you're a serious person, before you join. I want you to do one thing:

Check this box and PROMISE YOURSELF that you will TAKE ACTION and START BUILDING YOUR LIST today!

Click 'Get started" to join me - in the exciting NEW WORLD of Push List-Building..

(check the small box then scroll down to activate)

30-Day No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee

Examine my automated list-building software in your home for 30 days, read the quick start guide, apply my system watch the videos. Start building your push notifications list for 2020 and beyond, wfth my custom autoresponder, download the training, copy my entire system & see what this cutting-edge software can do for you. Do whatever it takes to convince yourself that it is possible to finally succeed with list-building.. push notifications.. affiliate marketing in 2020..

But if for any reason whatsoever you are not completely satisfied, just let me know and your fee will fully refunded, You can cancel at any time, and for ANY reason. That's how certain I am that you are going to love this..So what are you waiting for? This is 100% risk-free!

So Click the "Get Started' Button- while my crazy offer is still on the table! Get PushPRO 2.0 and I guarantee it will change the way you look at list building forever..

So what are you waiting for?

Click the button below NOW - to Get started

You will INSTANTLY get access to everything on this page.

Only $247. Your account will be activated INSTANTLY.

Get PushPRO v2.01 Now

Get Pushpro LITE Access - $27 for limited Package!

Buy With JVZoo - Limited Package!

Or Get Warrior+  $27 for limited Package!

Buy With Warrior+ - Limited Package!

Get PushPro Now

Only $247 For Unlimited Package

Get Pushpro LITE Access - $27 for limited Package!

Buy With JVZoo - Limited Package!

Or Get Warrior+  $27 for limited Package!

Buy With Warrior+ - Limited Package!